[cv6] Node Icons & Tools

[cv6] Node Icons & Tools 1.3.2

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What is the Issue?

I placed the Icon inside the H1 to grab the same styling and size. This is how FA Icons are used often. I see here no issue. If you have any problems with that, let me know.
I was just concerned how search engines may interpret an icon when processing the h1 tag. Same goes for a preceding space on the actual text.
I was just concerned how search engines may interpret an icon when processing the h1 tag. Same goes for a preceding space on the actual text.
From my point of view, this shouldn't be any issue.
If someone know more, please drop the info in here and I will take a look.
It could be a conflict. I do run about a dozen add-ons. Here is what I was seeing before disabling:

View attachment 267455
I am just looking into this issue. I can't reproduce this, will try to optimize a bit.

Du you havy any AddOn installed which intefere with the Node Display or enhance the Node itself, or maybe introduces a new Node Type?
I am just looking into this issue. I can't reproduce this, will try to optimize a bit.

Du you havy any AddOn installed which intefere with the Node Display or enhance the Node itself, or maybe introduces a new Node Type?

Sorry, I should have came back and reported this sooner. When I retested the add-on (a couple days ago) after updating PHP again, the errors didn't return.

It seems like it was just versions PHP 8.0.17 and 8.0.18 where the errors were produced. Everything was fine on 8.0.16, 8.0.19 and 8.0.20.

About the incompability with the addon "mark forums as read with double click ".

The addon from AnzahTools is no longer available.

But this one is working in combination with your addon:


About the incompability with the addon "mark forums as read with double click ".

The addon from AnzahTools is no longer available.

But this one is working in combination with your addon:

Ok, this was too fast.

Double clicking on the icons and mark forums read does work.

But the problem with some icons like "fab fa-linux" or own uploaded images still persists. :cry:
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Any ideas on node icons for nodes created by [tl] Social Groups plugin? They currently produce a tonne of server errors, and the authors of it seem uninterested in fixing it. :(
I don't know the Plugins code. If it creates an own NodeType he needs to adopt only a very few things that it works. I will add an entry to the FAQ Section.
For now new created this should no longer throw an error, I hope. I changed a bit the Database defaults.

Ok, I found the "glitch".

Mark as read with double clicking only works when you don't use the default icon.

Is it possible to make this work for them too?
The subnode image height is hardcoded in at 15px - be nice if there is an option to change this too :)
I don't know the Plugins code. If it creates an own NodeType he needs to adopt only a very few things that it works. I will add an entry to the FAQ Section.
For now new created this should no longer throw an error, I hope. I changed a bit the Database defaults.
Okay cool. I'll try it. Thanks!

*Update: it threw no errors! I was able to add the group forum and give it a custom node icon. Wicked, thanks much!!
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