"Customize album order" feature


Well-known member
Just like in XF1 version

Please bring this feature back, as this is very useful. This happens a lot that we release an album, and later, we add content to the middle of the album somewhere, so we add the new media to it and we need to move it to the middle where it belongs, not to the end of the album.

Upvote 16
Missing this feature.

There was a drop down menu in the "Customize Album Order" overlay, that's also important.

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I agree. I hate that this isn't a feature. I'd especially like to be able to sort albums by title, too.
This needs to make a comeback. Users are always asking how to manage their album sort orders, especially since a lot of users on our site are artists, and upload comic works. Sometimes the pages do not upload how they're expecting.
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