XF 2.1 Custom User Field / Expand Quotes


New member
So basically what I want is to give users the option to expand quotes or not.

Found this to automatically expand quotes, which works.
.bbCodeBlock--expandable .bbCodeBlock-expandContent {
    max-height: 100%;

But not all users want that option so I'm trying to make it a user preference. I already made the User Field


And with various google searches I came up with this and putting it on the message.less template but it does nothing. It doesn't work. I wasn't expecting it since I'm just putting things together and test my luck. Not sure what I'm doing.

<xf:if is="{$xf.visitor.custom_fields.expandquotesauto.on} == 'on'">
.bbCodeBlock--expandable .bbCodeBlock-expandContent {
    max-height: 100%; 

Any help is appreciatied.
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Conditional statements of that nature are unlikely to work in less templates.

Thanks! Where is the best place to achieve what I am trying to do?

EDIT: I got someone messing with the bb_code_tag_quote page. Would that be right?


<xf:if is="$xf.visitor.custom_fields.expandquotesauto == true">
                .bbCodeBlock--expandable .bbCodeBlock-expandContent {
                max-height: 100%;
        <xf:else />
            <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink"><a>{{ phrase('click_to_expand') }}</a></div>



If I set the conditional to == false, then the if statement fires everytime regardless of if the check box is check or not checked, and if i set the conditional to == true, then the statement never fires ever and always shows the click to expand My question is why? I dont know if Im missing a value?
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