Custom plug in


I am looking for a plug in that users can submit feedback for specific products.

More details.

Product Categories:
Beauty Product1 , product2 , product3
Electronics Electro 1, Electro2 , Electro3
Etc etc

The user can click in each of those shops ,inside those products the user needs to fill out some info (all the products need to have the same info filled).
After the user fills the info he clicks submit . Then every user who clicks on that product he can see the review left for it .

User can add a product
Select category
add new product , then it appears on the page.

page should be available only to specific usergroups

I am looking for fast and lightweight add on but most important sexy.

Pm if u can do this with portofolio and price. Will discuss furthe things over pms but that's the basic idea.

NOTEEEEEEE: Please people who charge insanely prices for add ons do not bother pming me , i am not some rich company who has no idea about pricing and overpays everything . I am looking for decent people .
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