XF 1.4 Custom Login Form



i am doing an integration with amember + xenforo , so the users would login via amember. I basically did almost everything and the integration seems to work fine! I just now need to hide/redirect the logins to amember logins page , so for now i have 2 questions:

1. Where can i find this piece of code with the login form. I just want to insert there a button which would login to the amember login

2. How i can hide this sliding login, i just want to remove that login button in the top right corner

I am more of a designer then coder, but i know my ways around the code, so just pointing me to the right files would help me much. Thx
The first one is the error_with_login template.
You can edit that template as required.

The second is the login_bar template which is included in the PAGE_CONTAINER template.
Remove the call for the login_bar template.
Hi @Brogan. I would like to edit the error_with_login template and setup a redirect to amember.

What would be the code I need to modify to do this?

Here's the current error with login template I have:

<xen:title>{xen:phrase error}</xen:title>
<xen:h1>{$xenOptions.boardTitle} - {xen:phrase error}</xen:h1>

<xen:container var="$head.robots"><meta name="robots" content="noindex" /></xen:container>

<xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}">{xen:raw $text}</xen:if>

<xen:include template="helper_login_form" />

It will be redirecting to login page which is: domain.com/account/login

Thank you
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