Future fix Custom bbcodes are cites as html replacement not bbcode


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Affected version
I got custom bbcode:
with HTML replacement:
{text} <a href="/talk/goto/post?id={option}" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-{option}"><i class="fas fa-level-up-alt"></i></a>

If I quote post with this code it would be inserted as plain text and bbcodes of HTML replacement instead of custom bbcode itself or trimmed version without link on icon. Maybe it possible to add some css class to element which are trimmed in quote?

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I believe this will be the case if you use the "select to quote" feature where you highlight the post content and then click "Reply".

Due to the way this function works, it isn't really feasible at this time for it to convert the selected text into the raw BB code. We have to attempt to read which text is selected, and then somehow convert that to BB code. We do that for a number of our built in BB code but it isn't currently possible with custom BB code.

If you use the "Reply" link in the bottom corner of the post, that will pull the post content from the database and display it as intended.

For now, I'll move this to future fix as I have some vague ideas of how we might want to tackle that issue in the future.
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