Current Visitors

It simply defines how long a user appears to be online for after their last activity.

After a user interacts with the system (by clicking a link etc.) they will be considered 'online'. They will be considered to be offline if they do not interact with the system again within the time specified here.
It can be changed in the Admin CP.

Admin CP > Options > User Options or use the Admin CP search to find "Online Status Timeout".
The max on this is 60 minutes. Any chance I can change this limit? I believe I have a forum people don't want to join; they'd rather take what they can use and leave the rest, which is ok. Problem is I'm not sure because I can't tell who has been to my site in the last day. When I changed it to 60 minutes my visitor count went up from a max of 3 to 5. I would like to be able to check once a day at the same time to see who's been on.

Another problem I have is identifying bots accurately. Any help there?
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