XF 1.5 "CSS Error: PHP:" - Can't seem to get rid of it?


I have this "CSS Error: PHP:" Gray bar on my admin page after implementing a template change and then reverting it and can't seem to get rid of it. Has anyone run into this before...?error-msg.webp
Or the better question, what causes it so that I can backtrack and troubleshoot it? Never seen this before...bizarre.
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That would indicate the PHP code output something somewhere. Try rebuilding the master data via <url>/install/. If that doesn't help, you will likely need to look at disabling add-ons to see if that changes it.
That would indicate the PHP code output something somewhere. Try rebuilding the master data via <url>/install/. If that doesn't help, you will likely need to look at disabling add-ons to see if that changes it.
Thanks for the insight, that helped me find it and take care of it. Had never seen that before in all the years I've had the software so it threw me a bit ;)
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