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Criteria User Titles 1.1.1

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I've set up the criteria and it's not displaying the user titles. I've tried running the user group promotion cron, I've rebuilt the user group promotions cache and I've even re-installed the master data but they are still not showing. They should at least show for me, being active. I have checked that the criteria is correct and I'm using the criteria "User is a member of any of the selected user groups" and chosen a user group that I am a member of.

*EDIT* I've just checked and they are displaying - in the space where custom user titles go. I didn't spot it as I have a custom user title but have seen it on another user.

View attachment 74466
The criteria user title here is "Level 3"

So, the criteria user titles don't display if you are using a custom user title, there is no styling and they are appearing above the user group banners instead of below as shown on your website.

They replace the default trophy titles, so nothing extra is done to them - the text is just changed, and the user is given the relevant text for the criteria.

Default trophy titles don't display if a custom title is in use, so neither does this. (The only exception being guests).
They replace the default trophy titles, so nothing extra is done to them - the text is just changed, and the user is given the relevant text for the criteria.

Default trophy titles don't display if a custom title is in use, so neither does this. (The only exception being guests).
How come yours have styling then? And how come they are below the user group banners? Or are those titles something different?


It's a shame that they don't appear if using custom user titles. Unfortunately I'll have to uninstall if that's the case.
How come yours have styling then? And how come they are below the user group banners? Or are those titles something different?

View attachment 74467

It's a shame that they don't appear if using custom user titles. Unfortunately I'll have to uninstall if that's the case.

They're also user banners. My title is 'Founder', however this is a custom title so I don't have a criteria title.

I could see about it being shown if a custom title is specified, however I would either have to override the custom title, or use a template modification to show the criteria title with the custom title.

Liam W updated Criteria User Titles with a new update entry:

Override all titles & Show with default

This version adds two new options:

  • Override all titles
    This option, when enabled, will cause this addon to override all other user titles, including custom and usergroup-based titles.
  • Show with default
    This option, when enabled (and the above disabled), will cause the criteria title to display with the default user title (trophy points, usergroup, custom title).

Read the rest of this update entry...
@Liam W I've just found a bug. In the ACP, if you click on Trophy User Titles it takes you to the Criteria User Titles page. Hovering over Trophy User Titles does display the correct URL in the bottom left of the browser but when you actually click it's re-directing to the wrong page. Manually putting the Trophy User Titles URL doesn't work either, you're still re-directed to the Criteria User Titles page.
@Liam W I've just found a bug. In the ACP, if you click on Trophy User Titles it takes you to the Criteria User Titles page. Hovering over Trophy User Titles does display the correct URL in the bottom left of the browser but when you actually click it's re-directing to the wrong page. Manually putting the Trophy User Titles URL doesn't work either, you're still re-directed to the Criteria User Titles page.

Yeah, sorry. That's a remnant from before you could show both.

I'll update it.
Thanks for the update, @Liam W. (y)

You might want to update the resource description on here (still shows 1.1.0). Also the zip file downloaded from your site contains a __MACOSX folder that you may want to remove. :)
Thanks for the update, @Liam W. (y)

You might want to update the resource description on here (still shows 1.1.0). Also the zip file downloaded from your site contains a __MACOSX folder that you may want to remove. :)

That folder is added by Mac OS... And the way Mac works with zip files means it can't be removed :(

It's a pain.

I'll post the update here now.
I got hit with and looking back it looks like it was fixed but doesn't look like it now :(

Fatal error: Class 'LiamW_Shared_DatabaseSchema_Abstract' not found in /home/kristop1/public_html/ line 4
I got hit with and looking back it looks like it was fixed but doesn't look like it now :(

Fatal error: Class 'LiamW_Shared_DatabaseSchema_Abstract' not found in /home/kristop1/public_html/ line 4

Hmm, whoops. The easiest thing to do is get one of the older versions, upload it, then overwrite the files again.

For some reason, I constantly forget the shared files.

EDIT: Redownload and install, I just re-added the shared files.
I want to use this with custom user fields.

Example, i have created a custom user title called "Steam User", and if a user put something in the "Steam" custom user field, should be genereted the user title. Tried to check this custom user field on "Custom User field Criteria" but the user title is not generated.

I've missed something? @Liam W
I want to use this with custom user fields.

Example, i have created a custom user title called "Steam User", and if a user put something in the "Steam" custom user field, should be genereted the user title. Tried to check this custom user field on "Custom User field Criteria" but the user title is not generated.

I've missed something? @Liam W

Are you there, @Liam W?
I want to use this with custom user fields.

Example, i have created a custom user title called "Steam User", and if a user put something in the "Steam" custom user field, should be genereted the user title. Tried to check this custom user field on "Custom User field Criteria" but the user title is not generated.

I've missed something? @Liam W

The way the criteria system works, you can only specify a specific term for a user field - not if it is filled in.

The way the criteria system works, you can only specify a specific term for a user field - not if it is filled in.


Oh, that's bad...however, i found an alternative system.

But i don't you use Criteria User Titles on your forum?


How i can customize the css of the user titles?
@Martok what code are you using for customize your user titles/banners area? I need to add to my users banners of the console they own and the roles that they have in my forum, so i need to have multiple banners without using usegroups.
@Martok what code are you using for customize your user titles/banners area? I need to add to my users banners of the console they own and the roles that they have in my forum, so i need to have multiple banners without using usegroups.
I'm not using any code. I am using this with multiple usergroups and promotions. You could use this based on what they have entered in a custom user field for the console that they own.
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