Creating the add-on Smilie Count v1.1


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The Smilie Count add-on will limit the number of smilies allowed in a post. By default the add-on will limit five smilies per post.

To change the maximum number of smilies allowed in a post:

Admin CP -> Options -> Messages -> Maximum Smilies Per Post


This add-on only works on XenForo v1.2 and above.
This tutorial will show the steps required to create this add-on:
  1. Create the directory structure
  2. Create the New Add-on
  3. Create the Listener.php file
  4. Create the Code Event Listener
  5. Create the DataWriter.php file
  6. Create the New Phrase
  7. Add Option
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Create the directory structure:

Create the Listener.php file:


class Andy_SmilieCount_Listener
	public static function loadClassDatawriter($class, array &$extend)
		$extend[] = 'Andy_SmilieCount_DataWriter';

Create the DataWriter.php file:


class Andy_SmilieCount_DataWriter extends XFCP_Andy_SmilieCount_DataWriter
	public function preSave()
		// make sure preSave() is only run once
		if ($this->_preSaveCalled)
		// get smilies from xf_smilie table
		$smilies = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_Smilie')->getAllSmilies();
		// get $maxSmilieCount from Admin CP -> Options -> Messages -> Maximum Smilies Per Post	
		$maxSmilieCount = XenForo_Application::get('options')->maxSmilieCount;		
		// count number of smilies in message
		$smilieCount = 0;
		foreach ($smilies as $smilie)
			$smilieCount += substr_count($this->get('message'), $smilie['smilie_text']);
		// show error message if $smilie_count exceeds limit
		if ($smilieCount > $maxSmilieCount) 
			$this->_preSaveCalled = true;
			return $this->error(new XenForo_Phrase('please_reduce_the_number_of_smilies_maximum_allowed_is') . ' ' . $maxSmilieCount); 
		} else {
			// run the original save() function 
			return parent::preSave();

Add Option:

This will add the Admin CP option to allow changing the Maximum Smilies Per Message.

Admin CP -> Options -> Messages -> + Add Option

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