Creating a Wordpress Login


Well-known member
I am using the WP Bridge which seems to be working good so far.

What I want to do is put the XF login page on my main WP page. Obviously wont fit into WP like it does on XF(or at least I dont think so) but I was thinking of creating a widget using the HTML box widget to allow people to log in directly from the WP home page.

Ive managed to kind of get it working but so far its all a bit sketchy. For starters it all looks out of proportion and selecting 'No create an account now' doesn't disable the password field like in XF. And after logging in it takes me straight to the forums but I want it to take me back to the page where I logged in from like XF does, in this case the WP homepage. And also the 'login with facebook' doesnt show as a FB button, it just shows as a text link. And of course the login box doesnt show me as logged in on the WP home page when I am logged in... I know that part may be a lot trickier.

I assume this is all just knowing how to put the right HTML together but I cant figure it out.

You can see it for yourself on my WP dev site @

Test XF account is 'xftest' password is 'xftest'

Below is the HTML I am using in the widget. I would appreciate any help I can get to make this work, im sure some other people would like to use this also, thanks in advance.

<form action="login/login" method="post" class="xenForm formOverlay" id="pageLogin">

    <h2 class="textHeading">Log in or Sign up</h2>

    <dl class="ctrlUnit">
        <dt><label for="ctrl_pageLogin_login">Your name or email address:</label></dt>
        <dd><input type="text" name="login" value="" id="ctrl_pageLogin_login" class="textCtrl" /></dd>

    <dl class="ctrlUnit">
        <dt><label for="ctrl_pageLogin_password">Do you already have an account?</label></dt>
                <li><label for="ctrl_pageLogin_not_registered"><input type="radio" name="register" value="1" id="ctrl_pageLogin_not_registered" />
                    No, create an account now.</label></li>
                <li><label for="ctrl_pageLogin_registered"><input type="radio" name="register" value="0" id="ctrl_pageLogin_registered" checked="checked" class="Disabler" />
                    Yes, my password is:</label></li>
                <li id="ctrl_pageLogin_registered_Disabler">
                    <input type="password" name="password" class="textCtrl" id="ctrl_pageLogin_password" />
                    <div><label for="ctrl_pageLogin_remember" class="rememberPassword"><input type="checkbox" name="remember" value="1" id="ctrl_pageLogin_remember" /> Stay logged in</label></div>

    <dl class="ctrlUnit submitUnit">
            <input type="submit" class="button primary" value="Log in" data-loginPhrase="Log in" data-signupPhrase="Sign Up" />
            <a href="lost-password/" class="OverlayTrigger OverlayCloser">Forgot your password?</a>

        <dl class="ctrlUnit">
            <dd><a href="register/facebook?reg=1" class="fbLogin"><span>Login with Facebook</span></a></dd>

    <input type="hidden" name="cookie_check" value="1" />
    <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="forum/" />
    <input type="hidden" name="_xfToken" value="" />

I am using the WP Bridge which seems to be working good so far.

What I want to do is put the XF login page on my main WP page. Obviously wont fit into WP like it does on XF(or at least I dont think so) but I was thinking of creating a widget using the HTML box widget to allow people to log in directly from the WP home page.

Ive managed to kind of get it working but so far its all a bit sketchy. For starters it all looks out of proportion and selecting 'No create an account now' doesn't disable the password field like in XF. And after logging in it takes me straight to the forums but I want it to take me back to the page where I logged in from like XF does, in this case the WP homepage. And also the 'login with facebook' doesnt show as a FB button, it just shows as a text link. And of course the login box doesnt show me as logged in on the WP home page when I am logged in... I know that part may be a lot trickier.

I assume this is all just knowing how to put the right HTML together but I cant figure it out.

You can see it for yourself on my WP dev site @

Test XF account is 'xftest' password is 'xftest'

Below is the HTML I am using in the widget. I would appreciate any help I can get to make this work, im sure some other people would like to use this also, thanks in advance.

<form action="login/login" method="post" class="xenForm formOverlay" id="pageLogin">
    <h2 class="textHeading">Log in or Sign up</h2>
    <dl class="ctrlUnit">
        <dt><label for="ctrl_pageLogin_login">Your name or email address:</label></dt>
        <dd><input type="text" name="login" value="" id="ctrl_pageLogin_login" class="textCtrl" /></dd>
    <dl class="ctrlUnit">
        <dt><label for="ctrl_pageLogin_password">Do you already have an account?</label></dt>
                <li><label for="ctrl_pageLogin_not_registered"><input type="radio" name="register" value="1" id="ctrl_pageLogin_not_registered" />
                    No, create an account now.</label></li>
                <li><label for="ctrl_pageLogin_registered"><input type="radio" name="register" value="0" id="ctrl_pageLogin_registered" checked="checked" class="Disabler" />
                    Yes, my password is:</label></li>
                <li id="ctrl_pageLogin_registered_Disabler">
                    <input type="password" name="password" class="textCtrl" id="ctrl_pageLogin_password" />
                    <div><label for="ctrl_pageLogin_remember" class="rememberPassword"><input type="checkbox" name="remember" value="1" id="ctrl_pageLogin_remember" /> Stay logged in</label></div>
    <dl class="ctrlUnit submitUnit">
            <input type="submit" class="button primary" value="Log in" data-loginPhrase="Log in" data-signupPhrase="Sign Up" />
            <a href="lost-password/" class="OverlayTrigger OverlayCloser">Forgot your password?</a>
        <dl class="ctrlUnit">
            <dd><a href="register/facebook?reg=1" class="fbLogin"><span>Login with Facebook</span></a></dd>
    <input type="hidden" name="cookie_check" value="1" />
    <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="forum/" />
    <input type="hidden" name="_xfToken" value="" />

Just wondering if you were able to come up with a solution or get this to work. I am trying to figure out how to do the same thing.
Just wondering if you were able to come up with a solution or get this to work. I am trying to figure out how to do the same thing.
I gave up on WP it was too slow compared to XF. But from what I did research I think its as simple as putting in the login HTML from XenForo into a HTML block for WP. Im sure someone knows how to do it, good luck
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