Cover photo [Deleted]


Well-known member
AndyB submitted a new resource:

Cover photo - Allows members to upload a cover photo.

Premium upgrade:

This XF2 add-on along with the entire collection can be purchased for $35.00 USD. Your Premium upgrade will allow you to download as many XF2 add-ons as you like for one year. Please see the entire collection located in the Resources area at this URL:


Allows members to upload a cover photo.

(Example of Cover photo)

View attachment 213820

(Example of Update cover photo overlay)


Read more about this resource...
i tried testing this....for me i can upload and delete an image but cannot change it...
after uploading a different image, only the same image ends up displaying...

also, we dont like the external link, is it possible to remove?

thank you, its a nice one to see but im not sure why we cant change image..
Hmm, I gave Owners, Admins, Mods all permissions:

But I'm not seeing the option to add a cover photo?

EDIT: It looks like I can't use this Addon, my host doesn't provide the "PECL" thing.

1. This add-on shouldn't be dependent on a specific image handler. XenForo provides an abstracted image handler system which, it seems, you were initially using. You should continue to use this system. This falls under resource standard number 28:
28. Similarly, if XF has any other framework features including (but not limited to) email sending and image manipulation these should be used where practicable.

2. This add-on should be using the built in abstracted file system which allows customers to host the images in their standard remote or custom file system of their choice. This falls under resource standard number 29:
29. File system operations must use the XF file system (which uses "FlySystem") particularly for files hosted in data, internal_data or code_cache directories.

Please advise when these issues can be resolved.
XenForo v2.1.0

View attachment 214628

View attachment 214627

View attachment 214629

@AndyB Please help, I don’t have button "Upload cover photo"

AdminCP >> Groups & permissions >> Permissions >> User group permissions >> Scroll down to Cover photo

These are my settings for Registered. Admins and moderators have Yes for the third option too. But even as a Super Admin you won't see the button until you enable that permission. The default is No for everyone.


The fastest way to get support for any of @AndyB's addons is to start a conversation at his website:

He is just "Andy" there.
It would be nice cover photo also in member card with an alignment setting:

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Andy, do you have a recommendation on the image size for this?
Mine has 2 big spaces either side, and I don't want to stretch the images too much.
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