Not planned Count reactions as votes


Well-known member
It would be great if reactions would be counted as a vote if turned on.


The weight/score would be the same as what we have configured in ACP for the reaction.

So, for example:
Like +1
Love +5
Sad -1
Angry -5

This way one can react to something and at the same time the reaction would have a weight and influence a post/thread.
Upvote 0
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This would cause havoc. "Hey I said I liked it but I didn't want to vote for it!"

Or... "Hey I voted for it but when I clicked (neutral or negative reaction) my vote disappeared!"

Please do not commingle these.
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This would cause havoc. "Hey I said I liked it but I didn't t want to vote for it!"

Or... "Hey I voted for it but when I clicked (neutral or negative reaction) my vote disappeared!"

Please do not commingle these.

This would be an option for the admins to decide. I believe once an admin turns this on, users will get used to the system and understand that their reactions turn to votes. I believe it is much more user friendly than it is now as I assume most people who give a positive reaction wants to support the post/thread.

If what you said was true, XF wouldn't use first post like as a voting mechanism for 10 years. I believe in 99% cases people who give a positive reaction also supports the claim and wouldn't be against having it as a vote.

Vice versa for negative reactions.
This isn't something we're looking to do beyond the (likely) one-time conversion from reactions to votes.

The whole idea was to move away from the weird ambiguity and double-purposing of reactions towards a dedicated system for voting.

Counting reactions as votes isn't compatible with that aim, and it's not something we'd support even as an option.
My suggestion was not aimed at how XF handles the situation. You want it clearly separate. I agree and think the new system is fine.

But on our own boards it would have been great to have an option like this. People are lazy. Making people vote for something and at the same time react to something will be a hard task. My suggestion would have reduced these 2 actions into a single action which makes it more user friendly (if opted in).

As an example, this suggestion here received 3 likes: and it had 0 upvotes. Until I mentioned the users in a later post, then I received 1 upvote (the other user is offline I think) now both upvoted. So I think that they thought liking the first post will be like upvoting it. But that is not the case anymore.

But no problem. Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it.
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Could you please tell us if you thought liking the first post will turn into a vote or not?

This suggestion will not be implemented, but I still would like to know if my thoughts were right or wrong. Thank you.
They are 2 different animals and should be treated as such. There's really no problem here, just some people still adjusting since it is new.
Implemented in my paid add-on:
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