Core - [Deleted]

I think I've found a bug with the events system XenAtendo
It doesn't seem to allow you to select the yes/no/maybe radio buttons

Browse to: xenbase.css

Towards the top remove this part:

/* iOS Fixes */
#QuickSearch .formPopup .textCtrl, .button.primary, .button, .textCtrl
  -webkit-appearance: none;

It was a work-around for something else, except for some reason I think the event system calls the textCtrl class to style those radio buttons which it really shouldn't, but that will fix it for you.
How would I do that?

The bug your having looks almost as if you've possibly edited the phrase with some additional html, or added it in via a template.

Try here first making sure you haven't edited one of the phrases(it would show red which you can click the X to revert it.


Another possibility you've edited the template itself, if you want you can link me to your site via PM and I can have a look.
I just installed the theme core and I have some problems. First of all, I can't see the footer with custom links. I also can't see the moderator/admin bar on the top of the community and the user text block where the user's number of posts should appear or the registration day is missing the text. Finally I would like see the links (personal details, contact details, etc etc) on the popup that appears when I hover over my name with the mouse on the navigator bar in 2 rows instead of 1. Thank you in advance!
So the plan originally was to update the styles for 1.2.4 however I think we're going to hold off for our next version of XenBase. 1.2.4 was a minor update which for the most part showing one outdated template which you can use the merge feature to fix.

We have some cool things planned for XenBase 1.3, some of it a re-write to clean up some code. We'll also be organizing and adding some new features.

We're taking a break for the holidays so we'll be back officially after the new year.

I'll still provide sales and support the best I can however please keep in mind we wish to spend time with our families during the holidays.

Thanks all, stay safe and enjoy the holidays!
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