Copyright Purchase

Well crap. Now I'll feel bad no matter what I do. Basically all I'd have to do is change the name from Invisible Comics to something like Meta Comics.
If the domain name comes with it then yes pay the dollars, or if you think the invisible comics is worth the money (I think it is sorta cool :) )
Names are copyright ..
By what I get, he thinks that guy owns the comic concept of placing copy in a box, which no one owns, that is in the public domain.
A little further info based on responses here. First, the comic would go on my site, revolving with one or more that is already running. He came tome with the idea to run his comics. But he is not a comic writer as you can see. I have a bit of a comedy background so I want to write them. But I didn't even begin to think of these until he came to me with the idea. I want to respect that. Anything else I did would be stealing the idea outright.
So you are going to pay the guy for a concept that is in the public domain, placing text in a comics box ?

Give him the money then and be done with it, pay him for his "idea".
Dinosaur Comics and Wargames both do the same thing with the same picture over and over. The difference is that I hadn't planned on putting ANY pictures in this and having it be all dialogue. But I think that's changing. I have a feeling my web cam and I are going to be having some fun. No, not that kind of fun.

Yeah, but at least what they have is copyright-able, they have drawings, you really have nothing but standard public domain comics frames.
Hmmm. Good point. Could that be why it hasn't been done that way?

You do not owe the guy a thing unless he wrote the comics for you.

and I can assure you he's not the one who came up with this idea (just to make you feel better :) )
So look for that person ... and when you do find him .. pay him well :D
Even there there is no "artwork" couldn't the implementation of it be interpreted as such?

Either way, I honestly wouldn't pay a single wheat penny for this.
The likenesses of comic book characters can ABSOLUTELY be copyrighted. Otherwise I could produce a movie tomorrow about Spider-Man but just call it something else.

The idea of a super hero cannot be copyrighted however, I can do a CowMan RatMan ..etc..
We are talking about the concept : idea
the name InvisibleComics that's another thing. Oh the domain is available by the way ... :D
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