Copyright in footer disappeared in XF 1.1.4 ?


Well-known member
I have just upgraded to XF-version 1.1.4 and reverted the footer template.

I see that the "Copyright"-information in the footer is not visible anymore to logged-in users.

Is this intended or am I doing anything wrong here ? :confused:
ahh.... forgot about my branding-free. :cool:

I thought the default Copyright-text or my custom Copyright-text would still be visible on upgrades... need to have a look what I did there to get it back.

If you bought Copyright free branding, does the template automatically strip out the notice? I purchased it, but never removed it, but it is not showing. (I bought the upgrade because it was during the dark days of the lawsuit and I wanted to support KAM...I thought to leave the notice to show support...not like I think this is a bad thing or am upset about the notice being removed, more just curious).
If you bought Copyright free branding, does the template automatically strip out the notice? I purchased it, but never removed it, but it is not showing. (I bought the upgrade because it was during the dark days of the lawsuit and I wanted to support KAM...I thought to leave the notice to show support...not like I think this is a bad thing or am upset about the notice being removed, more just curious).
It is actually a phrase, xenforo_copyright, that is cleared out when you buy a branding removal license. When you download the zip attached the XF licenses with the branding free then the phrase is automatically empty in the package. The phrase is still in the footer template display but won't display anything since the content of the phrase is empty.

For people with multiple licenses that are mixed some with branding, some without, it's important to keep track of which set of files are being upload to which domain.
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