Lack of interest Copy private message

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Active member

Please be able to add the "Private Message Copy" feature - title, text, recipients.

Often, we send the same message to the same group, or to several multiple recipients, the message of the same word at a time.
Allowed copies would make this easier.

Thanks for considering.
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If you are sending to multiple recipients, can't you simply add them all to the same conversation? Or why not use the Message users feature in the ACP? Then again there is the simple feature of just copying and pasting the same message (which will keep the same formatting) from one conversation to another if that's really needed.
Thx for reply.

Not all senders of these messages have access to the ACP. Our forum is for organizing tournaments (events). And the main communication and reminder is through private messages.

So, would you like to use the plugin Social groups ... etc.

Just events are sometimes repeated, a group of recipients the same (20-30 people) and the possibility to use a copy would be nice for us. But it is not necessary.
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