Copy posts and threads to [Nobita] Social Groups

Copy posts and threads to [Nobita] Social Groups 1.0.5

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Dadparvar submitted a new resource:

Copy posts and threads to [Nobita] Social Groups - Easily copy each post or all posts of a thread to [Nobita] Social Groups just with one click


As you may know, one of the best (or maybe the best!) Social Group add-on for xenforo is developed by @Nobita.Kun . (Here you can see it)
It has tons of awesome features that will attract all users of any board to be more active. (For more information about it, just read the description in its resource page)

But what CopyPostToGroup add-on does? with this add-on, you...

Read more about this resource...
Great addition. Should be part of the original add-on.

Inquiry / Suggestion: The meta control link that is now added in every post named "copy to group" makes much more sense on the inline-moderation menu... Then I can use the check boxes and select multiple posts and copy them to a group. Now I can either copy the entire thread via thread tools or single posts – but not a "number of" posts.

Beside that, the "copy to group" link misses the ".item.control" classes of the XF default meta controls.

In template "CopyPost_tool_links" it should read
<a href="{xen:link threads/clone-posts, $thread, 'post_id={$post.post_id}'}" class="OverlayTrigger item control copy"><span></span>{xen:phrase CopyPost_copy_to_group}</a>

I added "copy" as class like "warn", "report" etc to have the chance to integrate this into UI.X framework with icons.
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When using "thread tools" the overlay modal shows "Copy Post to Group" while I think this is meant as to copy the entire thread, right?

Bildschirmfoto 2016-03-14 um 14.55.25.webp
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