As long as the IDs are there titles are not needed.
Depends on the bug. Excessive sanitisation is unnecessary and makes debugging harder.
This report often contains personal information like IP address, email, username. It also contains sensitive information like server path, domain name, database, IP.
You could strip personal information (IP and email generally qualifies). Server path, domain name and database (name) aren't really sensitive, especially if logs are given to the developer privately. It should be a separate "strip personal data" button, if anything, though.
Therefore the xenforo bug forum and the bug forums of developers contain a lot of private/personal information which is not a good idea considering the GDPR and sensitive information which is not a good idea security wise.
Not all developers use public forums for reporting bugs. In private areas, sometimes some forms of personal information (at least with how you classify things into that term) will be necessary for debugging. I've encountered some cases where users excessively censored information and it made it very difficult to debug the issue - forum admins are generally not great at deciding exactly what information to censor and what is relevant, and in cases of large datasets sometimes entire columns are filtered.
Nevertheless, users entrust the forum admin with their data. I'd be for any tools that make it easier for forum admins to censor information they feel shouldn't be shared. But if these are implemented, I would hope it's limited to actual personal information only, otherwise in some (many?) cases it's going to become painful for developers to get the data they need the first time.
If there is anything more than basic personal information (like emails and IPs) in your error log, you should really be sending it to the developer privately.
As aid before, this is simply not really possible.
Take the following example:
This clearly shows my username (Kirby), which you want to have removed.
It's easy to do that for "Generated by", but it's not possible fo the stack trace - are those occurances of "kirby" my username?
Or just some data that coincidentally contains the same text?
If you completely remove/censor "kirby" in that error, it becomes a lot less uesful - maybe even to the extend that it is unusable.
The username isn't really sensitive imo, so that doesn't really matter. I would aim it more at emails and IPs.
You can definitely add means programmatically to flag certain fields as protected and not displayed in logs - for example, passwords aren't dumped in error logs iirc. Sentry's APIs for Laravel and Rails, for example, do this, as well - fields can definitely be hidden from logs. You can also use cheap regex but I'd be against that.
Also, in your example, it is
very niche for the user generating the error to also be the developer of an add-on in the stacktrace. It's even more rare to be using your full username in the add-on (usually more an abbreviation of some sort). So even if direct find+replace was used, which isn't a great idea, it would only be problematic in
very few cases. Probably more common in the XenForo Bug Reports forum, for bugs reported by developers, than it would be for forum admins reporting bugs to developers.