Converting WordPress links to XenForo?


Well-known member
I'm interested in redirecting old WordPress URL's to point to our forum threads (posted as news), any ideas on how I can learn to do such a thing or a little hand on doing it if it's simple?

Help is greatly appreciated!
Are these specific redirects? There is no direct WP importer so I assume you are redirecting individual URLs. You can use a .htaccess rule like this to redirect a specific URL:

RedirectMatch 301 ^/path/to/wp/article/$ /forum/threads/1/

You can duplicate this line to specify other individual redirects.
This is something I'm curious as well. The thought of moving WP to XenCarta has entered my mind at some point in the past so I just want to see how other people approach this.
Basically "/2012/02/beta-key-signup-survey-live/" should go to /threads/beta-key-signup-survey-live.XXX/

That rule will work then. Use this:

RedirectMatch 301 ^/2012/02/beta-key-signup-survey-live/$ /threads/beta-key-signup-survey-live.XXX/

If this is going in XenForo's .htaccess file then it should go at the very top.
Well, I'm looking for a solution that dynamically updates all links, since there are several articles, not just one. Hope that clears it up a bit. Is this done with rewrite engine instead of Redirect?
I just remembered I did your WP import. ;)

Well, I'm looking for a solution that dynamically updates all links, since there are several articles, not just one. Hope that clears it up a bit. Is this done with rewrite engine instead of Redirect?

For generic redirects you need an id map. In the case of a double import like yours there is no direct id map, though it may be possible to setup the map with some extra effort, similar to this:
Yeah unfortunately it imported everything in the HTML and would of had to edit every single news item for it to work in our news so I manually imported each news (I know, I'm crazy).
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