XF 1.1 Converting Photopost and vb4 Albums to XF User Albums


Well-known member
I have Photopost and Member Albums for vB4. Yesterday I upgraded my vB4 forum to Xenforo.


I am going to transfer all members albums, photos and comments over to Xenforo User Albums.

User Albums has a Like feature. Photopost doesn't have a Like feature. It has a Ratings feature. Members photos are rated 1 to 10 stars. For Photopost, if it was a good rating I'll replace their rating with a like and if it was a bad rating I won't like it for members at all. The vB4 albums do not have a rating or like feature so I don't have to worry about that.

What is the best way to Like photos for Xenforo members after I transfer all the albums?

Do I have to log into their account or can I just do it from the database? I'd prefer to do it from the database as I'll be changing the xenforo user album dates to match the date that the albums, photos and comments were first posted in vBulletin4 albums and photopost.

If I have to log into their accounts, what's a good log into user accounts mod?
What is the best way to Like photos for Xenforo members after I transfer all the albums?

Ideally your importer should take care of that. Otherwise the importer can be modified by a programmer to account for rated photos.

Do I have to log into their account?

That is one option. But I don't know of any addon like this.

or can I just do it from the database?

I don't recommend trying to directly query the database. There are multiple tables involved in adding a new like. Likes should be added through the software so appropriate models and handlers get called.

If the importer doesn't handle this then hire a programmer to modify the importer or write you an addon.
Ideally your importer should take care of that. Otherwise the importer can be modified by a programmer to account for rated photos.

That is one option. But I don't know of any addon like this.

I don't recommend trying to directly query the database. There are multiple tables involved in adding a new like. Likes should be added through the software so appropriate models and handlers get called.

If the importer doesn't handle this then hire a programmer to modify the importer or write you an addon.
There is no Photopost or vB4 Albums importer for User Albums. I will have to manually add every album, every photo, every comment, every Like and change the dates manually in phpAdmin using this: http://www.onlineconversion.com/unix_time.htm

but thanks for the warning I won't attempt adding likes through the database. Wanted to make sure first.
After much research I've discovered there are no login as user modifications.

So I had to think of something that's potentially disastrous or truly ingenious.

My solution:

1. Backup xf_user_authenticate table.
2. Reset password, add albums, blogs, comments and likes under their account.
3. Restore backup of xf_user_authentication table to restore their old passwords.

Hey Jake, what do you think?
I see that some members are logged in even though I closed the site. How do I prevent them from logging in while the site is closed so I can do this?
Password protect your forum directory or turn off the forum. But if you turn off the forum then you can only access forum pages as an admin. In your case it is better to password protect the directory. CPanel has a utility for that.
A member messaged me yesterday wondering if I had ever finished importing my Member Gallery and Photopost Gallery.

Yes I have. I finished it around October of last year. I did so manually, pic by pic, table by table in the database.

I now use the following addons for my gallery:

[XFR] User Albums 1.0.0 b7: http://xenforo.com/community/resources/xfr-user-albums.54/
[xfr] User Albums More: http://xenforo.com/community/resources/xfr-user-albums-more.991/

I also had to convert my vB4 XenMedio over to Xenforo as well.

[8wayRun.Com] XenMedio (Media): http://xenforo.com/community/resources/8wayrun-com-xenmedio-media.97/

I did the same thing with my blogs too.

All of it sucked, immensely... but my members are happy with the Gallery now.
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