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Conversation Reply Permissions by Xon 1.0.1

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It is a per conversation reply limit.
1. It will not affect the other participants, won't it (as long as they haven't reached their limit) ?

2. Conversations still can be continued but with a lost reply button on the limited user side, is it the way it works ?
1. It will not affect the other participants, won't it (as long as they haven't reached their limit)
The reply limit is for the entire conversation, but the limit is per user group.

So consider when User A & User B are members of a conversation.

User A can have a reply limit of 5.
User B can have a reply limit of 10.

Once the conversation has >5 replies, User A can no longer post.
Once the conversation has >10 replies, User A and User B can no longer post.

2. Conversations still can be continued but with a lost reply button, right ?
Well without the reply button, they can't continue. That is the point. It doesn't affect other conversations, unless they go over the stated limit.

But if you change the users permissions then users will be able to keep posting in the formally closed conversation.
Is it possible to create a usergroup which has no permissions to see any conversations. Even conversations they were part of in a previous usergroup.

So for example if I am in Usergroup A and I am part of 5 conversations. When the Admin moves me into Usergroup B I can no longer read nor see any conversation, even the ones I am a part of. Maybe being in Usergroup B could remove me from all conversations that I'm in.
@Lone Wolf so you would like that members of user group B can't see any conversations? Not even future ones until they are moved out of that group, at which point they regain the ability to see their past conversations?
@Lone Wolf so you would like that members of user group B can't see any conversations? Not even future ones until they are moved out of that group, at which point they regain the ability to see their past conversations?

Thanks for the interest Xon. I have a Banned Usergroup which is still allowed to see a Banned Users Forum. This is to allow them to appeal their ban.

But the banned usergroup can still see PMs, receive new PMs and reply to PMs that they are already a part of. It makes a mockery of them being banned so I have to use the official banning method which means they cant see the banned users forum and appeal their ban.

So it would be great if I could create a banned Usergroup which stops users from seeing any PMs at all. That way they can appeal their bans but not carry on engaging in PMs.
But the banned usergroup can still see PMs, receive new PMs and reply to PMs that they are already a part of. It makes a mockery of them being banned so I have to use the official banning method which means they cant see the banned users forum and appeal their ban.
This addon lets you stop from replying to existing PMs, and you can block them receiving new ones with stock XenForo permissions.
This addon lets you stop from replying to existing PMs, and you can block them receiving new ones with stock XenForo permissions.

Yes but then other people in the convo can keep messaging the banned user or the banned user can still keep reading the group convo which regular users might not be aware of if they think that user is banned.

Say User A, B and C are in the same conversation and then user B gets banned. User A and C would rightly think that user B (who isn't responding anymore) can see the conversation so they might exchange private info that the banned user would see.
Ah. That makes sense.

I'll need to think about it some more, but I'm quite strapped for time atm due to other commitments. So it may be a few weeks before I can really look into it.
Ah. That makes sense.

I'll need to think about it some more, but I'm quite strapped for time atm due to other commitments. So it may be a few weeks before I can really look into it.

Thanks for considering it Xon
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