Fixed Conversation email footer


Active member
Though this has a simple fix (phrase/template edit), thought I'd still ask about it not being there by default.

In XF 1.x, the conversation messages by default had this in the footer (using the XF community forum emails as an example):


But in XF2, the default conversation footer text only has this:


Shouldn't the default include the "Please do not reply to this email..." text as well? The watched_thread_email_html_footer and watched_forum_email_html_footer have it by default, but conversation_email_html_footer doesn't.
Thank you for reporting this issue. The issue is now resolved and we are aiming to include that in a future XF release (2.0.12).

Change log:
Add "Please do not reply to this message" text to outgoing conversation emails.
Any changes made as a result of this issue being resolved may not be rolled out here until later.
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