XF 1.5 Continue to using 1.5 risque ?


Active member
Hello all,

i come to you to ask something important for me . I really like my forum on 1.5 and all what i did for it and i don't want to upgrade it to version 2.
my question is : if i stay on 1.5 , i will be in risk ? and can be attaqued by hackers or failles can appear ? ...

answer me please cause i want to be free mind :P

It's impossible to state what may or may not happen in the future.

At the time of writing, there are no known security issues or exploits with the latest release of XF1.
XF 1.5 will be supported for a period of time and then we will eventually stop providing ticket support and further updates to it. The exception to that may be security releases, but that will depend very much on the nature of the specific issue, and some other variables such as how many users still use that version, etc.

We don't have an exact date for when these things will happen but it is unlikely to be a long period of time. Depending on how fast XF 2.0/2.1 is adopted (and XF2 is really exceeding expectations there!), it could be no more than a year.
i see , so if i go to stay on xenforo 1. for arround 2 years , must i worry to get something ? or i can be quiet for a long ? and if som security issue appear or exploits, xf can patch this ? too bad if not cause all of people continue to use xf1

thanks for all reponses
It’s certainly not the case that people are staying on XF1 and we’re seeing many new and existing customers make the move.

At such a time when we have announced that XF1.5 is end of life, continuing to use it will be at your own risk.

My recommendation is to at least start looking into the feasibility of upgrading now, even if you don’t make the eventual move until much later.
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