Content Ratings for XF2.1+ Reports

Content Ratings for XF2.1+ Reports 1.2.0

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It looks exactly like the reaction bar/menu/thing on other content. Just stuck at the bottom of the report/comment.


This is with Report Improvements (Edit/IP links + Attachments support) & Report Centre Essentials (move to queue bits)
The word Report means two things
A list of data or a summary document
Report a user for breaking rules!
I have your Content reactions and its great
But I can't see the use or need for this just from that screen dump
What I would like is a Report (print out) or list of members who got or gave reactions during the last month
Some of my members abuse the privildge and give far too many bad reactions
This is a free add-on which adds reactions (not just likes) to the report centre. Actual usage reports isn't what this add-on is for.
@Xon With 2.3 beta 1, every time I try to give a reaction to a message, a new confirmation window opens with url /react&reaction_id=1.

I haven't touched any settings regarding 2.2.15, is this normal or does something need to be changed in the ACP?

This add-on depends on jquery, and XF2.3 removed that library. It will be a month before I can start fully working on updating all my add-ons with a XF2.3 compatible version.
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