Hey all,
Brand new to the platform here. I've been following this resource:
And I've hit a bit of a snag.
Not exactly sure what's going wrong. The setup I've got in the config.php is:
Cloudflare is pointed to the wasabi bucket, which is in their us-east-1 region.
Any help greatly appreciated!
Brand new to the platform here. I've been following this resource:
Using DigitalOcean Spaces or Amazon S3 for file storage in XF 2.1 & XF 2.2
XenForo Version Compatibility The download is only compatible with XenForo 2.1 and XenForo 2.2. XenForo 2.3 is supported by following the guide but the download attached to this resource is no longer required. Why this guide? Since XenForo...
And I've hit a bit of a snag.
InvalidArgumentException: Endpoints must be full URIs and include a scheme and host in src/addons/XFAws/_vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/ClientResolver.php at line 595
Aws\ClientResolver::_apply_endpoint() in src/addons/XFAws/_vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/ClientResolver.php at line 288
Aws\ClientResolver->resolve() in src/addons/XFAws/_vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/AwsClient.php at line 161
Aws\AwsClient->__construct() in src/addons/XFAws/_vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/S3/S3Client.php at line 263
Aws\S3\S3Client->__construct() in src/config.php at line 15
XF\App->{closure}() in src/config.php at line 27
call_user_func() in src/XF/FsMounts.php at line 17
XF\FsMounts::loadDefaultMounts() in src/XF/App.php at line 1043
XF\App->XF\{closure}() in src/XF/Container.php at line 28
XF\Container->offsetGet() in src/XF/App.php at line 2423
XF\App->fs() in src/XF/Util/File.php at line 209
XF\Util\File::deleteFromAbstractedPath() in src/XF/Service/Attachment/Preparer.php at line 75
XF\Service\Attachment\Preparer->insertDataFromFile() in src/XF/Service/Attachment/Preparer.php at line 23
XF\Service\Attachment\Preparer->insertAttachment() in src/XF/Attachment/Manipulator.php at line 170
XF\Attachment\Manipulator->insertAttachmentFromUpload() in src/XF/Pub/Controller/Attachment.php at line 89
XF\Pub\Controller\Attachment->actionUpload() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 350
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchClass() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 257
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchFromMatch() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 113
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchLoop() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 55
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run() in src/XF/App.php at line 2191
XF\App->run() in src/XF.php at line 391
XF::runApp() in index.php at line 20
Not exactly sure what's going wrong. The setup I've got in the config.php is:
$s3 = function()
return new \Aws\S3\S3Client([
'credentials' => [
'key' => '{WasabiKey}',
'secret' => '{WasabiSecret}'
'use_path_style_endpoint' => true,
'region' => 'us-east-1',
'version' => 'latest',
'endpoint' => ''
$config['fsAdapters']['data'] = function() use($s3)
return new \League\Flysystem\AwsS3v3\AwsS3Adapter($s3(), '{bucketname}', 'data');
$config['fsAdapters']['internal-data'] = function() use($s3)
return new \League\Flysystem\AwsS3v3\AwsS3Adapter($s3(), '{bucketname}', 'internal_data');
$config['externalDataUrl'] = function($externalPath, $canonical)
return '{cloudflareCDNurl}' . $externalPath;
Cloudflare is pointed to the wasabi bucket, which is in their us-east-1 region.
Any help greatly appreciated!