XF 1.3 Conditional to check if forum is filtered by a prefix?


Well-known member
Anyone know which conditional I need to check if a forum has been filtered by a prefix please?

The filter code seems to be this:

	<xen:if hascontent="true">
		<div class="discussionListFilters secondaryContent">
			<h3 class="filtersHeading">{xen:phrase filters}:</h3>
			<dl class="pairsInline filterPairs">
			<xen:if is="{$displayConditions.prefix_id}">
				<dt>{xen:phrase prefix}:</dt>
				<dd><a href="{xen:link forums, $forum, '_params={$pageNavParams}', 'prefix_id='}" class="removeFilter Tooltip" title="{xen:phrase remove_filter}">{xen:helper threadPrefix, $displayConditions.prefix_id, escaped, ''} <span class="gadget">x</span></a></dd>
			<dl class="pairsInline removeAll">
				<dt>{xen:phrase remove_all_filters}:</dt>
				<dd><a href="{xen:link forums, $forum, 'order={$pageNavParams.order}', 'direction={$pageNavParams.direction}'}" class="removeAllFilters Tooltip" title="{xen:phrase remove_all_filters}">x</a></dd>

But none of those ifs work for me. I just need to check whether a filer has been applied to the forum display page that a user is on. (The same pages that show 'remove filter')

(Also while I'm at it, any idea on a conditional that lets me know whether the forum has any prefixes or not? Again to use on the forum display page)
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