Conditional Statements

Conditional Statements

Hi Brogan,
I've made a custom Template called "gp_container" and have called it into the header template just below the </header> tag. I did this because I want this HTML to be right below the header and for the DIV not to be contained by the content area container. Since I placed it in the header template, I need a conditional that will say "IF a user is on this page show this html else show nothing"

Hope this better explains what I'm trying to accomplish.

So I looked over this page:

And since using the code:
{xen:helper dump, $page.node_id}

Is returning a value of NULL, I guess I can't add the variable to the header template?
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Ok, so I did some hunting and found that I could use the URI since the variable page.node_id was not available.
<xen:if is="{$requestPaths.requestUri} == '/members/admin.1/'">

I want to display something on profile of members in a specific usergroup. Will this work?
<xen:if is="{$user.user_group_id} == x">
I need to base the conditional on the profile owner. Not the visitor.
Doesn't that conditional relate to the visitor of the page?

I'm struggling to show content in the resource_view_header of resources in a specific resource category only.

I tried this in the resource_view_header template:

<xen:if is="{$resource_category_id} == x">...</xen:if>

But no luck :(

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Is it possible to use conditionals in EXTRA.css?

For example I would like to show some things just to mods and admins, but not to the rest of the users.
I know I can do this in templates, but I would like to know if it's possible to also do it in extra.
Don't think it is possible in CSS templates other than small stuff like only coloring a certain node using the node ID.
Is it possible to use conditionals in EXTRA.css?

For example I would like to show some things just to mods and admins, but not to the rest of the users.
I know I can do this in templates, but I would like to know if it's possible to also do it in extra.
I used some conditionals in css in my add-on.
Is there a conditional that would allow me to show all other users content based on the author? So if user 1 is the author of the thread, it would show x content to all users and if user 2 is the author of the thread it would show y content to all users.
Thank you for this resource!

I am using the widget framework and I can set certain expressions for displaying widgets in the following format:
XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::callHelper('ismemberof', array($visitor,3))

This looks different than the format you are using. What's the difference?

How would I hide widgets for a specific user group like this:

<xen:if is="!{xen:helper ismemberof, $visitor, x}">
This content will be hidden from members of user group x

But in the proper expression format for the Widget Framework?

Thank you!

I just want to display an image, if the path is in the variable.
Well with:
<xen:if is="{$item.previewImg}"><img src="{$item.previewImg}"></xen:if>


<xen:if is="{$item.previewImg} != ' '"><img src="{$item.previewImg}"></xen:if>

it displays all images even the empty ones with the source (" "). I used trim on php function but it every value has those strange spaces/tabs.

So, is there a helper function using trim on a variable oder any other useful functions?

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