Comments in Posts

Do you want Comments in Posts ?

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If there is new content now, I go to the last page of a thread and watch it. If there are small discussions within post, I would have to run to individual posts instead, which would rip the whole structure of a thread.
You have a notification system. You just click a link in the notifications or in the notification email and that will bring you straight to the comment.

So what if you have a discussion in the comments, about a comment someone made? Want to add comments to comments?
You just quote him, same way as you have quoted me. And in XF you have even multi-quote, any text.
Let's say I post a reply in this thread (like this one for example). 20 people decide to reply on that. All 20 people will have to quote me so that they can react to my reply. And all other users will have to read again 20 times my reply in those 20 people's replies, so they can know what those 20 people are replying to.

In a comment system, these 20 people write a comment under my reply and other users just read those comments. That means 20 times less quotes to read, more space saved and all on one place.

Or someone just posts a photo. With a comment system, 20 people will just write 20 comments under that photo and that's it. You can see all reactions from all 20 people on one place under one photo. Can't imagine 20 people quoting the same photo 20 times all over the thread. Now, that would be a mess.
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chris say many things

you see this is why you should not give your opinion because now you(company worker) and me(customer) are in fight and debate and we are enemies

we could fight for many hours and nothing will change

a good company employee does not get involved in customers debates

but xenforo company must not have strict rules for their employees, so you are free to say what u want
i wont allow this in my company

anyways i accept your apology for hurting my feelings and i will try avoid u from now on

I think Discourse have implemented this as best as possible on traditional forums.

You can reply to a specific post, and your post gets added as a normal post as the latest post in a thread, but it also starts or gets added to its own 'Post thread', which is expandable and readable in its own right for new readers to the thread.

That way you have the split off chain readable in its own mini thread, but all the the content is still part of the original threaded discussion.

Find some long threads on and you'll see some examples


None of the XF versions I've seen do this, so if someone replies within the mini thread, no one else in the thread gets notifications about it or has the option to get re-engaged with that conversation within the main thread.
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Post Comments can be really helpful for:
  1. Question & Answers
  2. AMAs
  3. Moderators Comments about problematic post
  4. Thread Games
  5. Introduce yourself and birthday threads
  6. etc
I think Discourse have implemented this as best as possible on traditional forums.

To be honest theirs can be a bit redundant (when reading the replies and then the replies as posts again), but if reading without opening them, they lack proper reference.

Example: You are reading a thread. You see five replies to a post. You click to read and it drops down, then you scroll down further to just read the same replies again whether it's directly after, or 20 posts down, still, duplicate content. It often makes reading a thread painful if you are inquisitive and compelled to click. If you have the patience to just scroll it is much easier (like reading a normal thread) but you are reading without any reply reference (no quote boxes so the replies may not make sense).... I think the benefit is only to the person who made the post and has individual replies. And I'm not sure that benefit is enough to create the corn maze of posts for others.
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it just has to be done properly and it can be a great feature....i can see how some casual forums may not want it, but if you are actually reading a topic trying to learn information, it can help alot to trim pages and pages of fluff posts into post footers......i am not into facebook, but just consider that for an example of a good use of the idea.....if they made every single post in a list you had to scroll past instead of nesting comments, i mean....i would dislike it even more lol...

there is a growing need for some competition between social media and forum platforms too these days.....shouldnt be mandatory, but would be really great to see a proper option for us
I would almost want it to not appear again in the thread.

Simply allow a reply to a post under that post (a la FB) but perhaps limit the replies so they do not take off into countless tangents. Just brainstorming. But I like the way it is in XF unless they figure out how to do it better. :)
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I think the solution can actually be dedicated Q&A forums. For general discussion it can get quite messy. If you have dedicated Q&A forums where the replies are actually answers to the question (not discussion) and they can be voted up and down based on the quality of the answer (and physically move), then, comments could be open for the replies, as in: "This answer sucks!" "This is not true." "You are wrong," etc. Or: "I agree with this answer, but I would like to add..." (blah blah blah). For it to work you would have to make sure a reply is an official answer, either with a disclaimer, or by restricting the poster to one post only, or similar. Comments would be unlimited. Think Yahoo! Answers.

THEN to me comments work.

Keep discussions separate, add Q&A. Would love that.
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it surprised me but i just noticed vbulletin implemented comments in post, they did a good job too, it looks nice

this is exactly how it should look on xenforo, nice and neat

Yeah, I don't mind that way, as long as it doesn't show up again as a thread reply, like in Discourse. That's trying to have your cake and eat it too, and creates redundancy. However it should be way more compact! Too much vertical real estate per comment.
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Believe it or not, this is what makes Comsenz Discuz into a total horsecrap.

Comsenz Discuz built bad preferences / tastes for most forum users in Mainland China. Most people in this market choose it for easy-to-use, but its internal coding is, to be honest, terrible. Its template is too hard to be customized by end-user, requiring hiring PHP experts to do this.

vBulletin 3.8.11 is way much better than Discuz (till now, version X3.4), and XenForo is triple time better than vB 3.8.11.
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