Implemented Color Palette: Basic Colors


Well-known member
I think it would make skin creation easier if you could select a basic style color selector i.e. red, blue, green etc...

This would only change the color palette colors to a pre-selected format. You could then go on to create the skin in better detail after.

Perhaps this isn't possible however it would be nice for styles.
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I think it would make skin creation easier if you could select a basic style color selector i.e. red, blue, green etc...

This would only change the color palette colors to a pre-selected format. You could then go on to create the skin in better detail after.

Perhaps this isn't possible however it would be nice for styles.
This is basically what can be done with the hue sliders, just more control.
This is basically what can be done with the hue sliders, just more control.
I find these to be difficult to use especially when trying to get the balance right straight away.

Perhaps my suggestion complicates things even more. I wouldn't mind if the sliders were made slightly bigger. Maybe across the page underneath the their different sections instead of beside them?
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