
Cloud 1.4

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I really like the look of this style, but I have a couple of questions:

Can you tell me how to make the text font darker?

I've noticed that the navigation tab text is slightly blurred, and the avatars in the discussion forums are slightly distorted - can anything be done to correct this?

How do I get rid of one of the 2 Login tabs? - see below

Thanks for your help.
I really like the look of this style, but I have a couple of questions:

Can you tell me how to make the text font darker?

I've noticed that the navigation tab text is slightly blurred, and the avatars in the discussion forums are slightly distorted - can anything be done to correct this?

How do I get rid of one of the 2 Login tabs? - see below

View attachment 84950
Thanks for your help.

sorry to be late in answering
you can make font darker from color "Color Palette" they are
  • @dimmedTextColor
  • @mutedTextColor
  • @faintTextColor

the bug is not from style naybe from any plugin check our demo :
Hello, if click on member avatar in thread, open user cart, avatar is displayed not full, only small part on white background... ;( on your demopage too.
Best theme i ve ever seen, the only problem (in my opinion, ofc) is this menu:


I would prefer the same as the default xenforo theme.
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