XF 2.3 Clipped font awesome icons


I have weird issue with XF 2.3.0 when i try rewrite my theme.
And even on default theme icons looks clipped in specific circumstances.

I attach screenshot how it looks on both styles.
Zrzut ekranu 2024-07-16 o 15.58.48.webpZrzut ekranu 2024-07-16 o 15.59.02.webp

Thanks for any help and suggestion.
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you may have changed some padding or margins?

try reverting your customizations, or create a new theme with no parent, change to that one and start fresh. also, clear any caches. browser, cloudflare, redis, etc.
you may have changed some padding or margins?

try reverting your customizations, or create a new theme with no parent, change to that one and start fresh. also, clear any caches. browser, cloudflare, redis, etc.
Thank you for the answer.
No, I didn't changed anything on the Default style which comes preinstalled.
Forgot to mention the browser is Safari 17.5.
Default style has no customizations, dev instance is not behind cloudflare, redis same as elasticsearch is also disabled for this dev instance.
I partially solved it by creating new instance from 2.2 production copy and upgrade directly to 2.3 on DEV.
Previous instance was upgraded to betas too, maybe there something broke.
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