XF 2.1 Clicking a thread I've been participating in not taking me to last viewed/participated page


Well-known member
I've been participating in a long running thread. I visit the forum, click the thread, I'd prefer to go to my last page I read or posted. Instead it just takes me to the beginning so then I have to figure out where I left off last which is not efficient. Anyone to better handle this?
I raised this same issue recently. It seems to be an intermittent bug that makes itself apparent in long (multi-page) threads, as well as threads with a lot of images/attachments that takes time to load. Evidently it is some sort of time-out issue having to do with the thread loading.

There's more here:

and especially here:

For me it happens on any thread no matter how long it is pics or no pics. I changed Read marking data lifetime: to 180 days in ACP and it helped but still happens in threads older than that if there's new replies if I haven't viewed the thread in more than 180 days. I have the issue on all XF2.x forums I visit with all browsers I use since XF2 was released.
What I've noticed is if you click on a thread that has new content it will take you to it. If you click on the thread after that then you're taken to the first post.
@Brogan is correct, and that's the behavior I see.

One exception to this is in the "Latest Posts" widget on the right side of the main screen, clicking on a listed thread (even if it's been read before) will bring you to the last post in the thread. Again, as it should.

Screen Shot 2019-11-08 at 3.47.56 PM.webp

I think the issue discussed above has been upon the initial click, after a thread has new content posted, it is intermittent (particularly with longer or image-heavy threads) in bringing the user to the newest, unread thread.

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