Fixed CJK interfaces no longer show em text in italics


Active member
Affected version
core_setup.less now has:

    &:lang(zh), &:lang(ja), &:lang(ko)
       font-style: normal;

People who choose to have their user interface in Chinese should still be able to see English text written by others in italics. With this change, the italics written in English, for example, does not show to them in italics. Also, the I button in the editor seems not to function.

I recommend changing it so that it only applies to "em" text in the interface, not in the messages, editors or any other user-generated content.

Related: Partial fix: Italics and <em> in East-Asian languages

User comment and images:


Thank you for reporting this issue, it has now been resolved. We are aiming to include any changes that have been made in a future XF release (2.2.6).

Change log:
Ensure that italics in user content are displayed as expected when using CJK languages.
There may be a delay before changes are rolled out to the XenForo Community.
It's worth mentioning that, though I have changed this to be doubly sure, this really only applied to the editor, which used <em> tags. When we render them out for viewing, we use <i> tags, which weren't changed by the previous report.
It's worth mentioning that, though I have changed this to be doubly sure, this really only applied to the editor, which used <em> tags. When we render them out for viewing, we use <i> tags, which weren't changed by the previous report.
The latest CJK web typography: all <i> and <em> tags for Chinese contents shall look like:
And for Japanese:
I have no clue how Korean language deals with such cases.

See this GitHub repository for more information:

P.S.: XF mixuses <i> and <em>. However, the above GitHub repo treats these two tags differently and discourages the misuse of <i> tag with CJK contents.
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