Cities Skylines Nation


Well-known member
I recently launched a community site for the game Cities Skylines. You can see the launch announcement bellow. I've used a lot of time working on the site, and luckily the first month has been going great :) If anyone has any constructive feedback, or something they think looks/works very well, just let me know.
Hello fellow city-builder fans!
I've launched a nice little community website called City Skylines Nation. The community sites for the game are few in number at the moment, so hopefully this will help. I hope you find it to be a nice place to hang out!
- Create, share, and read other City Journals. It is in an easy to use system with lots of features, and other users can review, comment and share your journal.
- Mod portal. Create and share mods. You can link to the mod from another website or host it here. Other users can download, review, comment and ask for help. You have your own resource discussion thread where you can provide support.
- You can also create tutorials and lots of other things, can be expanded upon requests.
- Dedicated forum where you can debate the game, city journals, mods, mod requests and all sorts of things.
- Share and view others images and videos from the game in our Media section. You can comment, rate and share the media easily on our site or other sites.
- Of course get the latest news via our website news list, or with our Facebook or Twitter.
- Contests are regularly held.
Of course the mod and CJ stuff wont be populated much as the game isn't launched yet, but I thought it would be nice to show it so you know what to expect.

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