XF 2.1 Check for user option in template?

Mr. Jinx

Well-known member
I want to check for the user option 'allow_view_profile' and 'allow_view_identities' in a template.
What is the proper way to check for this? $user.____?


User {#299 ▼
  -`XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity`">_uniqueEntityId: 5
  #rootClass: "XF\Entity\User"
  #_useReplaceInto: false
  #_newValues: []
  #_values: array:34 [▶]
  #_relations: array:6 [▼
    "PermissionCombination" => null
    "Privacy" => UserPrivacy {#223 ▼
      -`XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity`">_uniqueEntityId: 1
      #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy"
      #_useReplaceInto: false
      #_newValues: []
      #_values: array:6 [▼
        "user_id" => 1
        "allow_view_profile" => "none"
        "allow_post_profile" => "members"
        "allow_send_personal_conversation" => "members"
        "allow_view_identities" => "none"
        "allow_receive_news_feed" => "everyone"
      #_relations: []
      #_previousValues: []
      #_options: []
      #_deleted: false
      #_readOnly: false
      #_writePending: false
      #_writeRunning: false
      #_errors: []
      #_cascadeSave: []
      #_behaviors: null
    "Profile" => UserProfile {#302 ▶}
    "Option" => UserOption {#301 ▶}
    "Admin" => Admin {#300 ▶}
    "Activity" => SessionActivity {#345 ▶}
  #_previousValues: []
  #_options: []
  #_deleted: false
  #_readOnly: false
  #_writePending: false
  #_writeRunning: false
  #_errors: []
  #_cascadeSave: []
  #_behaviors: null
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