changing the color of the catorgies


Active member
i want to change this color but how do i do this? i want the same color blue as the header.

Thank you
i have messed up on this not to sure how it changed where the messages are i never touched that part.

Have you checked in EXTRA.css that you didn't include the following or modified something by accident in SP.

.section {
    background-color: #265F88;}
The above seems to be the culprit.
If your wanting to change the background-color change the color value box in Style Properties >> Forum/nodelist >> Category strip

You will also have to adjust the border colour values in the same area and text colour to your preference.

To change colour of the category titles go into Style Properties >> Forum/nodelist >> Categorystrip Title

To change colour of the category description go into Style Properties >> Forum/nodelist >> Categorystrip Description
Might want to try adding a background colour in Style Properties >> Message Layout >> Message List this is the default colour value #FCFCFF

Odd that your message area should change like that.

Thank you Shelley for your help.

just one more thing, if you look at the bottom of my avatar there is blue there i see that come on when the Cats changed there color
have you got the defalt color for the Cats i think i go back to the defalt:( :)

You can reset the value on any areas you modified. Go back into the style properties categorystrips and you'll notice a checkbox in the top right. Make sure that is ticked and then update style and this will revert the changes you made and revert back to the default.
thanks Shelley thanks for all your help:)

You're welcome but i don't think I helped much since you never managed to alter your categorystrip. :)

Kelvin if you still wanted to change your categorystrips and you want me to take a look at it (will have to be tomorrow) I'd need access to style properties. Feel free to send a pc if you want me to take a look tomorrow my time.
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