XF 1.4 Changing Domain Name Process


I'm in the process of changing my forum over to a different domain name with a new URL. My question is... what needs to be done first? I see there are four things to do:
  1. Change the information concerning my license in my Xenforo account to the new URL and name
  2. Change the URL and name information in the admin portion of the forum itself
  3. Point the forum towards the new URL
  4. Update to the most recent version of Xenforo
Is there a specific order this should be done? My current URL is: www.freefromverbalabuse.com with the license being listed under the name "Free From Verbal Abuse." We're changing the URL to: www.kingdomtribes.com with a name change to Kingdom Tribes. So far, nothing has been done yet. My concern is that in my Xenforo account, it says that I can have only one URL associated with my license. How does this work when you're changing domain names and URL's? Thus... the reason for my question. What order should I do things to avoid it looking like I have two active URL's?
The order is unimportant as far as updating XF is concerned.

See point 6 of the FAQ for everything involved with switching domains: https://xenforo.com/community/threads/frequently-asked-questions.5183/#post-180455

With regards to having two active installations, we appreciated that there is a period of time when there will be two installations.
However, I would highly recommend closing the forum on the original (old) server, to avoid members posting there, as that content will not be present on the new server.

Once the migration is complete, you can uninstall it.
However, I would highly recommend closing the forum on the original (old) server, to avoid members posting there, as that content will not be present on the new server.

Once the migration is complete, you can uninstall it.
Thank you, Brogan. I'm new to this and had help the first time so I assume you mean to go to my hosting account and uninstall the forum associated with the current domain name? Then, reinstall it with the new domain name? The forum hasn't been active, which is one reason we are changing it.
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