XF 2.0 Changing a Translation


Active member
How to go about.

I installed the translation to Dutch, which is mostly perfect, but I want to change some phrases.

My thought was, to make another language on top of the Dutch translation and change the phrases in that language. In this way I don't have to edit the Dutch translation and after an update my changes will still be there.

To give an example:

- masterlanguage: Hello
- dutch translation: Hallo
- my translation: Hi

Now the question:
- what do I do when I want to skip the dutch translation for certain phrases? When I want it to be "Hello" like in the masterlanguage. Is there a way to make that change without editing the dutch translation anf without duplicating the masterlanguage-phrase in my translation?

The only approach that would survive parent language updates would be to retranslate it back to the master version in your child language. You could revert the customization in the parent language, but when you next import that translation, it will overwrite your changes.

But finally I found I can set a different language for the admin, so this is no longer relevant. Great!

It would be handy to have a link in the language-department to change the language of the admin cp.

For others: you can chose the admin-language though the language-selector bottom right on the admin-pages.
One last question.

This seems to be the best way to do it. A pile of 4 languages:

Master language
Language 1: --- Dutch translation
Language 2:------ Dutch translation of the RM
Language 3:--------- Dutch translation of the MG
Language 4:------------ My own changes to all the above and the only one people can chose.

This way I can update the Dutch translation of the RM without changing anything else.

Does this make sense? Or is there a better way?
I don't see a particular reason to separate out the RM and MG translations. (A translation can be tied to a specific add-on.) They should probably all just be part of the Dutch translation itself.

A separate language for your own changes is reasonable, though I should note that we don't currently have user selectability limits for languages, though I'm sure there is an open suggestion for it.
Thanks for your reply. I thin I better bring it down to two language. The Dutch translation including RM and MG and my own translation on top.

I see a suggestion for user-selectability dating back to 2015. Time to get to work! :-)
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