Change resource view


Active member
Hi there,

I would like customize the resource page and do template modification.

- Change position and size of resource icon (already found out how)
- change the "resource body" and its content order and way of look

So I found this on xfrm_resource_view template:

<div class="resourceBody">
                <article class="resourceBody-main js-lbContainer">
                    <xf:macro template="custom_fields_macros" name="custom_fields_view"
                        arg-wrapperClass="resourceBody-fields resourceBody-fields--before" /> ....

But I can´t find out how or where to change the content that is "called" after this code :(
(Sorry for my english)

After it on live page in html the resource description and its attached files are inserted in

<div class="bbWrapper"> ... </div>

I would like to have this part BEFORE the

<div class="resourceBody-fields resourceBody-fields--before"> ... </div>

But I could not find out yet, where the code for the "bbWrapper"-div is from :(

I hope someone understands what I mean and can help me to find the source of this part of the resource page :)
That just really annoys me that I can find each part of this page except the one I am looking for.
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