XF 2.2 Change link colour only within posts


My forum is here, and I'm almost 100% happy with how it looks.

Links to other pages on the forum, when posted in posts, are always black. This is the same colour as the normal text. If I change the link colour to something else - eg yellow - all the links on the navigation page of the forum become yellow too, rendering the page very hard to read. Can a distinction be made to make links in posts yellow but the links on the navigation of the site still black?

Thanks in advance for any help possible.
Looking at the browser inspector, this added to the extra.less template should work:

.message-userContent a
    color: yellow;
Thank you for this - unfortunately it does not appear to have worked. It changes the usernames when quoted in posts, but not if someone manually pastes a link in to a post, or includes it as part of a url like this.
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