XF 1.3 change css class class="unreadLink"


Active member
where do i change class="unreadLink" to use a different img than the xenforo.ui.sprite. i searched and i couldnt find it in style properties
There is no style property for that.

But the template you can modify is discussion_list.css.

Alternatively you could override the CSS using the EXTRA.css template.
There is no style property for that.

But the template you can modify is discussion_list.css.

Alternatively you could override the CSS using the EXTRA.css template.
its Template: thread_list_item
<a href="{xen:link threads/unread, $thread}" class="unreadLink" title="{xen:phrase go_to_first_unread_message}
it uses a blue round icon from the sprite and i want to change that
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