XF 2.3 Change colour of user mentions


Well-known member
Currently, username mentions appear in white, like @FTL will show up in white on my forum, while it's blue here. I want to change that colour, but it's not clear to me how to do it. From frantic Googling, it appears to be something called Chips in the style, but when I looked at that, I couldn't relate it to these mentions. I tried turning on underline as a test, but it did nothing, so perhaps I'm looking in the wrong place. Hence, where can I find this setting? Note that I'm on XF Cloud, so have no access to the server.
What I use, a little bit fancier though.

/* User Mention Color */
.bbWrapper .username{
background: #63ba5f; <-------------change your background color here
color: #fff; <-------------change your font color here
display: inline-block;
padding: 2px .5em;
border-radius: 5px;
text-decoration: none;
font-size: 12px;

An example of what it looks like in a post here:

Ok, thanks for the tips, everyone. Yes, thinking about it, I remember now that the ACP has a box where this code can be entered which will integrate with extra.less.

I was expecting that there's just a setting in there that can be tweaked without using code though. Perhaps there isn't, I don't know.

Found it. If nerdzone.uk disappears without a trace, then you'll know that I broke it. :p

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