This is an VERY easy fix.
Step 1)
Create a wonderful individually customized HTML page named
sorry.html and place it in the root of your servers web directory.
Important: Even if you installed XenForo into a subdirectory, sorry.html always has be placed in web server root!
This file will be shown to your visitors, if XenForo templates are not available (during recaching, addon installation, etc, etc). The blank white page will be gone forever!
Step 2)
Open the file
Right after line 201:
add the following line of new code:
if ($content == '') {$content = '<body onload="self.location.href=\'/sorry.html\';"><h1>We are working for YOU!</h1><p>Please come back later.</p></body>' ;}
Overview: After you added that code the situation in
/library/XenForo/FrontController.php would look like:
if (is_string($content) && $content && !ob_get_level() && XenForo_Application::get('config')->enableContentLength)
$this->_response->setHeader('Content-Length', strlen($content), true);
if ($content == '') {$content = '<body onload="self.location.href=\'/sorry.html\';"><h1>We are working for YOU!</h1><p>Please come back later.</p></body>' ;}
if ($content instanceof XenForo_FileOutput)
echo $content;
/library/XenForo/FrontController.php and you're all set.
Bye, bye, white blank page.