XF 2.1 Censoring configuration question

It tells you right on the censor page itself, at the bottom:

This is a list of words or phrases that are to be censored. If a replacement word or phrase is entered, the censored text will be rewritten to this (for example, replacing "dog" with "cat"). If no replacement is entered, the censored text will be replaced with censor characters (for example, "***").

If you wish to match a wildcard at the beginning or end of the matched word, add a "" in the correct position. For example, "dog" will not censor "dogs" but "dog" will.

So just enter cock with no asterisks before or after the word. That will then be an exact replacement. cocks, half-cocked, and Adcock will not be censored.
The censor is so clever.

For example in the word Scunthorpe, if you make the S and/or the horpe white or different colors thinking they will reveal just the naughty word, then the censor kicks in as if those letters don'r exits.
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