Add-on Cataloging Shows, Wiki or Articles


Active member
I want to catalog shows and basically build a page for each show and have their history, cover art, and stuff like a wiki page. I want to be able to categorize them by genre (i.e. comedy, education...etc). I am not really sure the best way to go about this that will look good, easy navigation, and easy to edit/create. I figure I would eventually have to build-out thousands of pages if I ever get a way to add a significant amount of shows.

I checked out XenCarta, Better Blogs, and eZine, and Waindigo's article addon. The eZine was a hefty price for addon and copyright removal, Waindigo's copyright rules seem difficult to manage (I would only use addons I can remove copyrights on), Better Blogs seem very unsupported, and XenCarta I don't know much about. It seems good, but I don't have the comfort level that it would accomplish my goals.

Did I perhaps miss an addon? Anyone currently do this with their forum? I would love to see examples. One main concern is that I don't want to have to build a page in Dreamweaver (HTML) or something else and copy and paste it in the editor. I would like an addon that I could manage with a wysiwyg. I would also eventually like a core group of users to be able to add pages as well. Any direction, corrections in my assumptions or anything else would be greatly appreciated. TIA!
It's not really an article system or a wiki but it is very flexible... You could try looking at Showcase by @Bob B.

There's also the Resource Manager which is more geared towards downloads as you can see here, but other people have made it into pseudo article management systems.
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