XF 1.5 Cant install some add-ons



I cant install framework and medal system... i try in other instalation in the same server and there is not problem... could anyone help me?
Xenforo 1.5.10

ErrorException: Fatal Error: Cannot access self:: when no class scope is active - library/WidgetFramework/ShippableHelper/Updater.php:79
Generated By: Cuenta desconocida, Hace un minuto
Stack Trace #0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}
Solicitar estado array(3) {
["url"] => string(122) "https://foro.portalpez.com/admin.ph...https://foro.portalpez.com/admin.php?add-ons/"
["_GET"] => array(2) {
["tools/run-deferred"] => string(0) ""
["redirect"] => string(45) "https://foro.portalpez.com/admin.php?add-ons/"
["_POST"] => array(0) {
This is add-ons installed right now...
You would need to contact the add-on author. The particular error you're receiving appears to be related to the Widget Framework.
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