XF 1.5 Cant get html script working


Active member
Sorry for posting this question here, its not really related to xenforo but last time it got moved here.
I have a teamspeak script, and want to embed it in a html sidebar using widget framework.
I have Tsviewer.com working but i want my own html script to work. For some reason it wont display or work.

Here is the script:

But when embedding it in my sidebar as html widget i just see the text. not the widget itself.
You can see the not working widget on my site wwww.cupcakethunder.eu

I have put this in the widget:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tsstatus/tsstatus.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/tsstatus/tsstatus.js"></script>

i also tried this:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tsstatus/tsstatus.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/tsstatus/tsstatus.js"></script>
$tsstatus = new TSStatus("", 10011);
$tsstatus->imagePath = "/tsstatus/img/";
$tsstatus->timeout = 2;
$tsstatus->hideEmptyChannels = false;
$tsstatus->hideParentChannels = false;
$tsstatus->showNicknameBox = true;
$tsstatus->showPasswordBox = false;
echo $tsstatus->render();

no success. never shows anything but plain text in the widget.
Can you move the first part of teh code to the page container template? Another thing that I would check is the path, are you sure that it is the right one?
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