Trying to repair this table but it's giving me an error it cannot find the file xf_thread_view.
| Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| forums.xf_thread_view | repair | Error | Can't find file: 'xf_thread_view' (errno: 2) |
| forums.xf_thread_view | repair | status | Operation failed |
/var/lib/mysql/forums the file xf_thread_view is located in forums folder.
I'm out of ideas tried everything to solve this issue.
| Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| forums.xf_thread_view | repair | Error | Can't find file: 'xf_thread_view' (errno: 2) |
| forums.xf_thread_view | repair | status | Operation failed |
/var/lib/mysql/forums the file xf_thread_view is located in forums folder.
I'm out of ideas tried everything to solve this issue.