XF 1.5 Can't edit templates after moving to a different domain and folder...

Sal Collaziano

Well-known member
Is there any scenario that would make it difficult to edit/change templates after moving the forum to a different domain and folder structure? Everything appears to be working okay other than being able to save template changes...
If the move involved moving to a new server or instance on the server then it could be any number of things.

Are any error message shown?
What about in the browser console?
Hi Brogan,

Thank you for replying. The forum moved to another user account on the same server.

It went from:


I don't get any error message - all there is, is a blank screen after I submit with the following at the top left:
Mon, 12 Feb 2018 14:21:35 GMT

Any ideas? My luck - this never happened to anyone before. :p
Blank screens can sometimes be due to suppressed errors, but the date wouldn't be displayed in that case.

Try running a master data rebuild at the install path.

If that doesn't work, add this to the library/config.php file:
$config['debug'] = true;

ini_set('display_errors', true);

Is anything else shown then?
Navigate to the /install path for your installation.

It should redirect to /install/index.php?upgrade/
Thank you. I tried both things and no luck, unfortunately. No errors were displayed after adding that code to the library/config.php file.

I can save a template without editing it with no problem. But if I change anything - even add just one new character - this situation happens...
I reverted PAGE_CONTAINER and while that did save - I still can't edit it... If it helps explain anything - the "new page" with the time and date always opens in a new browser window...
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